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Fisheries Board – River Lossie

Findhorn, Nairn and Lossie Rivers Trust

Management of salmon and sea trout within the River Lossie is the responsibility of the Lossie District Salmon Fishery Board (LDSFB). The Board works in close coordination with proprietors, the Elgin & District Angling Association, the Dallas Angling Association and the Findhorn, Nairn and Lossie Rivers Trust (FNLRT) and is a member of Fisheries Management Scotland.

The Lossie District Salmon Fishery Board was established under the 1860’s Salmon Fisheries legislation as subsequently amended and stated in the Salmon Act 1986 and the Salmon Conservation (Scotland) Act 2001. This legislation has recently been streamlined into the Salmon and Freshwater Fisheries (Consolidation) (Scotland) Act 2003. It is empowered under the legislation to take such acts as considered expedient for the protection, enhancement and conservation of Atlantic salmon and sea trout stocks and fisheries.

The River Lossie has a catchment size of 216km2 , river flow is monitored by SEPA at their Sherrifmills gauging station in the lower Lossie. Water quality is also monitored by SEPA and in general water quality is good throughout the catchment.

Key duties for the LDFSB are to:

  • provide fisheries protection (salmon and sea-trout),
    set salmon and sea trout rod fishery seasons,
  • set weekly rod fishery close times (midnight Saturday – midnight Sunday),
  • police the purchase and sale of illegally-caught or unseasonable fish,
  • ensure fish passage over obstructions to migration,
    protect juvenile fish and spawning redds,
  • regulate the movement and introduction of adults, juveniles and ova.

Fisheries Board Members


The Board comprises:

Chairman: Crinan Dunbar
Poppy Houldsworth
Tomas Christie
Tim Atkinson
Bill Fraser
Roy Russel
Mark Laing (co-opted FNLFT)

Administrator: Clare Walker, Fisheries Office, Logie Steading, Dunphail, Forres IV36 2QN,

Phone: 07501 767801



The Lossie District Salmon Fishery Board does not employ its own bailiff. It has a service agreement with the Findhorn District Salmon Fishery Board for the provision a number of patrols on the Lossie throughout the year.

Diseased and Damaged Fish

Occasionally anglers report seeing diseased or damaged fish. The Board encourages them to report this to the Board (Head Bailiff Sean McLean 07920 483081) or to the Rivers Trust (Robert Laughton, 07887 535986). If at all possible, take a photo of the fish and e-mail it to the Board/Trust. Early response to these reports can help to contain any potential problems.

Find out more here

Angling on the River

Today the Lossie is fished by rod and line along most of the mainstem from the mouth up to Dallas.

The official season for salmon and sea trout runs from the 25th February until 31st October.

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Conservation Code

Find out about new legislation and conservation limits below.

Find out more


Here you can find key documents, dates and resources relating to the management of the River Lossie.

The next meeting of the LDSFB will take place on Tuesday 18th March 2025.


  • Annual reports and Accounts
  • Meetings and Minutes

Anyone is welcome to attend advertised meetings but some agenda items may be taken in private. Each year the Lossie District Salmon Fishery Board hold an Annual General Meeting, a Meeting of Qualified Proprietors and a Board Meeting. For further information contact the Administrator, Clare Walker on or 07501 767801

Lossie District Salmon Fishery Board Meetings for 2024: Board Meeting 25th June at 3pm and Annual Meeting of Qualified Proprietors 26th November

Minutes of meetings can be downloaded below.

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